Oume festival in Ome-shi Plum Park

Oume blossom Hinata Wada

Oume blossom Hinata Wada

This weekend we caught a crowded train to go visit Ome-shi Plum Park, around 1h and 30min West of Tokyo. We got of at HinataWada Station on the Ome Line and made our way 20 minutes up towards the blooming plum park. Along the road freshly made street food could be purchased, as well as spring treats for kids. This sunny Sunday we got to enjoy or first picnic of the year, which of course was an amazing feeling!

The trees in the Oume-area have been effected by a virus and will be cut down by the end of this season. This week will be the last chance in many years to come to witness the over 1500 plum trees in bloom across the green hilly landscape. Oume blossom Hinata WadaOume blossom Hinata Wada Oume blossom Hinata WadaOume blossom Hinata Wada Oume blossom Hinata WadaOume blossom Hinata Wada Oume blossom Hinata Wada

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